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Kosovo Experts Group

Business Consulting


Our services

Our business consulting company is able to provide you with services to help you run your business smoothly. We can provide you with business plans and strategies, which are drawn up by our experienced business consultants. They will help you in getting the right direction for your business and also in improving your business methods and practices.


Our team

Our team of business consultants help you with a wide range of business issues, including marketing, operations, financial planning and more. We can help you develop a comprehensive business plan, identify new opportunities and implement effective strategies to improve your bottom line. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your business succeed.


Get to know us

KoEG is a non-governmental organization founded in 2017 by a group of professionals in Kosovo. Promotes evidence-based intervention to improve...

Contact us!

We are here for you. Contact us via email, phone number or our social networks.

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